The Good, True, and Beautiful

Feb 5, 2023

Doctrine is on the decline. Interest in God’s word waxes cold. Church members are becoming increasingly more interested in temporal than eternal matters. It can be quite disheartening when we thoroughly examine the numerous faults, grievous sins, and colossal failures of the church. However, God loves His church and every person who belongs to it. The church is His beloved bride, and He delights in it. He has given His name to the church to demonstrate His intimacy with it. God's love for His church is expressed in many ways. He gives His Word to guide, comfort, challenge, and educate. He sends helpers to equip and encourage. He pours out His Spirit upon His people, empowering them to live out the good news and to spread it to others.

God loves his church. He is both a Father and a friend to the church. Jesus guarantees that the church will triumph, and she will be fit and ready for eternity without blemish or spot. Perhaps it is time to think about how we view the church. Be Family means that God is our Father, the Son is our bridegroom, and the Holy Spirit is our helper. It’s time to see THE GOOD, BEAUTIFUL, AND TRUE as foundational.