Joy: The Greater Reality

May 19, 2024    James Allison

The Book of James is about real faith. James is about the kind of faith that actually works. Not a faith that it is an internal decision that is invisible to the world around us, but instead about the faith that is so infectious that when it grabs hold of your heart it works it’s way out into every single area of your life.

What The Book of James is going to do over the next couple of weeks is strip away the exterior and start with the interior of who we are. Which is the opposite of what we do sometimes in the church world. We lead with the exterior. We lead with what we do or don’t do. The whole time God wants to talk about the interior; the condition of our heart and our relationship with Jesus.

The Book of James is talking about a kind of faith that actually impacts how you see and move in the world. A faith that determines how you treat your friends, how you make your plans, how you spend your money, how you spend your time, how you handle situations in life. When Jesus awakens our heart on the inside things start to happen on the outside.