Restart // Resolve to Follow Jesus

Oct 8, 2023

The Christian life is not simply a one-time decision. It is daily dying to self to follow the one who has given us eternal life. As followers of Christ, we are born anew through the transformative grace of God. God's Word is the nourishment our souls require, essential for our spiritual growth and development. We must resolve to seek this nourishment daily, to feed our souls, and to grow stronger in our faith. On this journey of faith, remember we are not solitary travelers. We are living stones, each one unique yet unified, joining together as the Church. The church is the body of Christ, interconnected, interdependent, working in harmony to bring glory to God.

As a holy priesthood, we are summoned to worship God in spirit and truth, and to fully embrace our identity as God's chosen people. This means leading lives that mirror His holiness, radiate His love, and serve as His ambassadors. Keep in mind that we are sojourners and exiles in this world. Our true citizenship lies in heaven, and this world is temporary. God's grace means that we can RESTART, and as his people, we must daily RESOLVE TO FOLLOW.