Trust: The Path to Following Jesus
Proverbs is a book of wisdom. It is structured as a life manual from a father to his son—an encouragement to live wisely and navigate life in a way that obeys and honors God. This art of skillful living is the ability to effectively apply truth to our everyday decisions.
However, wisdom is not simply information. We are currently in the Information Age. Since the advent of computers in the 70s and the internet in the 90s we have been creating and collecting information at an exponential rate. In a 2011 study at USC Marshall School of Business - they found that the average American was personally absorbing the equivalent of 174 newspapers worth of information every day. Every single day. Which was almost 200 times more than it was 24 years before it. That was 13 years ago.
There are articles all over the place showing us what this information overload is doing to us. The levels of stress, and anxiety and fear are higher than ever recorded before. So, how do we cut through all of the noise and find wisdom and apply it to our hearts? Scripture tells us that we need renewed mind and a renewed heart to have renewed trust and direction. Wisdom tells us to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct your paths."
Divided Mind (vs 7)
Renewed Mind (vs 1)
How we trust God if we don't know what He's said?
Renewed Peace (vs 2)
Renewed Purpose (vs 3)
Renewed Trust (vs 5)
Faith is taking God at His Word.
Jesus is the Object of Our Faith.
What you trust is where you go first.
Renewed Surrender (vs 5)
Surrender is giving every area of your heart and life over to Jesus.
Renewed Dependence (vs 5)
Relying on Jesus as your firm foundation.
Renewed Intimacy (vs 6)
In all your ways experience Him.
Renewed Direction (vs 6)
Jesus is the Roadmap and the Destination.
What do you need to surrender to Jesus?
Community Group Discussion Questions:
Read Proverbs 3:1-8. What stands out to you from this passage?
Where are you tempted to rely on your own discernment, wisdom, insight, or intelligence instead of the Lord?
Read Romans 12:2. What does it mean to renew your mind? What does that look like?
Share a time when you felt called to really trust in the Lord. Did you choose to trust Him? What emotions did you experience? How did God use that time in your life to mature you & grow your relationship with Him?
Are there areas of your life where you are not experiencing God? Why?
“In all your ways acknowledge Him” was explained as “In all your ways look to Jesus. In everything you do, everywhere you go know that He has something for you in that moment.” What would help you stay in constant conscious communion with God?
How do you focus on God in your life?
What does it mean to walk with Jesus? What does that look like in your life?