The Witness, The Word, & The Worship
Psalm 19 has been cherished by believers throughout the ages. C. S. Lewis wrote of Psalm 19 stating, “I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.” This powerful Psalm presents us with three key themes that are not only essential for our spiritual growth but also integral in deepening our relationship with God: The Witness of the Heavens, The Word and Its Work, and The Heart of Worship.
The Witness of the Heavens shows us that God's glory is continuously proclaimed through His magnificent creation. Even though the heavens shout His majesty, our sinful nature suppresses the truth. May we open our hearts to hear and recognize His presence in the world around us. Diving into The Word and It's Work, we learn that God's Word is necessary for knowing Him personally and walking the path of righteousness. It is through Scripture that our souls are revived, wisdom is given, and our hunger for holiness grows. May we treasure God's Word and allow it to shape our lives and guide our actions.
Finally, we will examine The Heart of Worship, may we offer ourselves as living sacrifices in response to the redemption and salvation granted by Jesus Christ. Our spiritual worship is made acceptable to God when we present our lives in surrender and service to Him.