Psalm 46 - Fighting Fear With Faith

Jun 18, 2023    James Allison

We are created to know, enjoy, and glorify God. Colossians 1:16 reminds us that "All things are made by Him and for Him." 

The moment sin entered the world, the shalom (peace and wholeness) the Creator made was shattered. Every day, somehow, someway, the brokenness of your world will press in on you. We live in a cultural moment defined by division and fear. But the war all around us in simply symptomatic of the greater war inside us, dividing our loyalty, attention, and focus. 

God doesn’t expect us to cover up these worries with a fake smile, pretending that everything is fine. He invites us to run to Him with our worries in hand. Psalm 46 tells us that we do not have to be afraid. The Lord of Host is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. 

While fear usually has us looking at our past, at ourselves, or at our circumstances, faith redirects our focus to our future, to God, and to His promises. This is how we fight fear, by seeking refuge in God's presence, trusting in His power, choosing surrender, and relying on His sovereignty.