Day 21 - Dillon Patrick
Have you ever experienced the joy of someone telling you that they have been praying for you? Maybe someone from your family or someone from your church family. There was one instance where someone that knew my father, whom I didn't know, told me they had been praying for my family and me. How did it make you feel when you learned someone was praying for you? Did it give you a sense that you mattered to that person and were loved? I was overwhelmed with emotion to learn that.
Would you believe me if I told you that the Savior of the universe prayed specifically for future believers on the eve of his crucifixion? John 17:20
reveals that to us as Jesus was getting ready to go to the cross. While there could've been a million things racing through His mind that night, Jesus was praying for all the future believers who would believe and confess Him as Lord and Savior through the disciples. I don't know about you, but this blows my mind. He was thinking of and praying for me 2,000 years ago! Every time I read this verse, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and joy coming from my Savior. I pray that during this Advent season, you will be encouraged by the truth that Jesus loves you. You matter to Him, and He is interceding on your behalf to the Father.