Day 26 - Kim Patterson
There are nightlights all around our house—one in each of the kids' bedrooms and a runway of lights leading to our master bedroom. The darkness scares them. Honestly, I am not a fan of it, either. Why does darkness scare us?
The darkness itself isn't what scares me. It's what is hidden in the dark that is frightening. Sin exists in darkness and separates us from God. John 12:46 reminds us that Jesus came into the world as light so that whoever believes in Him may not remain in darkness. Once the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see Jesus, "the light," my life was no longer separated from God. As a parent, I long and pray for the day my kids see the light and believe in Jesus. My job is to help point them to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to open their eyes just as he opened mine.
Are you walking in darkness? Jesus is the nightlight we must plug into our hearts to keep us out of darkness and connected to God. I pray that Jesus is plugged into your heart and that His light is shining so brightly that others are drawn to Him through you. Share your story of how Jesus opened your eyes today. You never know who is walking in darkness that needs to see Him and believe.