Day 17 - Landon Schmidt
Have you ever had a story so crazy that when you tell it, all you can say is, "you had to see it to believe it"? Well, this is what John continues to remind us of in his Gospel as he describes one of the most important events in history: the life of Jesus. During this time of the year, we celebrate the miraculous virgin birth that occurred in the humblest beginnings ever recorded. This amazing king would be born in a manger, to which we now sing, "Born a child, and yet a King."
Not often do we put his birth and death in the same thought, but in our scripture today, John is describing his eyewitness testimony of seeing the love of Jesus poured out on the cross. He writes these things for our sake, saying, "that you also may believe." Jesus was born to die, but not just any death. He was born to be the perfect sacrifice for you and me so that we can sing, "born that man no more may die." Don't forget to stop during this Christmas season to take in these special moments and remember what Christ has done, the wondrous gift He is to us, and that we can find life through His death. Thank Jesus for what He's done.