Day 18 - Sarah H.
As we approach the New Year, we are bombarded with the idea of resolutions. For many, a New Year represents a fresh start, a time to set goals and plan to accomplish them. If you’re anything like me, I’ll get after them hard for a couple of weeks, but as the thrill of something new wears off, those resolutions quickly fizzle out. Time is the great separator between those who are truly committed and those who are not.
Jesus tells us that the great separator that identifies His true disciples are those that abide in His Word. We cannot know Jesus apart from it, so what does it look like to abide in it? Abiding is more than a mechanical, academic exercise; it’s tasting and seeing that the Lord is good, and, as a result, your love and affection for Him increase. Abiding is resting in the hope and promises He gives. It’s seeing and processing everything around us (our thoughts, circumstances, responses, relationships, etc.) through the lens of the Gospel. The mark of a true disciple is endurance and perseverance in God’s word, no matter how we feel or what we are experiencing.
In a world dominated by busy schedules and instant gratification, we often miss the treasure of sitting at Jesus' feet, feeding our souls with His Word. During this hectic holiday season, keep your eyes on the True Gift. Set aside time to sit at the feet of the One who can truly satisfy you. Consistency over time will yield a
heavenly reward as the Word of Christ dwells in you richly. Abide in His Word.