Day 23 - Bill Hobbs
There were generally three routes between Judea and Galilee in Jesus’s day. The shortest and most direct route was through the region of Samaria. But wait, Jews and Samaritans do not get along, right? Here, an unwed, unaccompanied Samaritan woman has a divinely appointed encounter with the Messiah.
Jesus speaks directly into her heart. In John 4:26, Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.” As she asks Him about the Messiah, she leaves her water jar and goes back into town. In verse 29, she says, “Can this be the Christ?” She did not wait to have her testimony all figured out before she shared it with others, and we see that many believed in Him because of it.
Friends, Jesus has traveled an unlikely path into enemy territory to reveal Himself to you and me. We don’t need to have it all figured out before we share Jesus with people. It may be just what they need to hear to set them on their path toward salvation.