Fruits Keeping With Repentance And Baptism

Fruits Keeping With Repentance And Baptism

The Baptizer

After a thirty-year interlude, the narrative of John the Baptist resumes in chapter 3:1. The angel's statement and his father's predictions were all confirmed when we observed how he was characterized—as one who must prepare for the Lord by delivering a message of repentance. John made a dramatic entrance into Israel, preaching in the wild and introducing his unique ministry. He brought an ancient prophetic message of repentance to accompany a baptism ritual at the Jordan River. His mission was far from random—it fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy. As John's ministry expands and gains greater recognition, many have begun to speculate if he is the long-awaited Messiah. To this query, John, in turn, points out that although his role as forerunner precedes Him, another will follow who brings with them the Holy Spirit and fire.


John solemnly cautions the crowds of people that have come to him, emphasizing that only those who produce fruit befitting repentance will avoid the impending wrath. Simply being a descendant of Abraham is not enough for Israelites to escape punishment. Once asked by his audience how they should act in response, he provides them with pragmatic advice. Turning to the Lord commands us to be generous with our resources, offering food and clothing to help those less fortunate. Tax collectors ought not to take more than they're due or misappropriate money from citizens; soldiers should also refuse any extortion and make do with the salary provided to them.


John's ministry sparks curiosity, wondering if he is, in fact, the promised Messiah. However, despite this speculation, John has made it clear that he is unworthy even to untie the sandals of the Christ. The day of reckoning will be like threshing wheat outdoors: good people will be taken into safety while chaff are destined for an eternal fire. Luke narrates how John proclaimed the good news to Israel. However, his ministry ended abruptly when Herod Antipas imprisoned him for chastising his adulterous marriage with Herodias.

Where Are You From?

After taking the spotlight off John, Luke shifts his focus to Jesus. His public ministry began with a baptismal anointing from the Holy Spirit and the Father's audible affirmation of his beloved Son. Luke then shifts his attention to Jesus' ancestry and traces Him back through Nathan to King David. This is likely His biological genealogy since Matthew follows Jesus until Abraham, but Luke goes beyond that by tracing it farther back—reaching as far as God Himself! With both Christ's baptism and His lineage, Luke unmistakably declares Jesus as the Son of God.





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