The Lamb Of God And A Wedding
John Bore Witness
John the Baptist called Jesus the lamb of God. Possibly referring to a passage that describes a servant who suffered for the sins of others, was killed like a sacrificial lamb, and would redeem God's people in a new exodus. The description of the servant as a lamb is meant to symbolize the new Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7), who will bring salvation.
Come And See / Follow Me
In verses 38-39, Jesus meets two people who had left John the Baptist to follow him. When Jesus noticed the disciples, he asked them, "What do you want?" By addressing him as their teacher, their primary goal was to be with him. Andrew responded quickly by searching for his brother Peter and bringing him to Jesus. Following Jesus is the appropriate response to John the Baptist's message, and seeing Jesus creates a desire to both stay with him and introduce others to him. Andrew exclaimed, "We have found the Messiah" (verse 41), eliminating any uncertainty about Jesus' identity as the promised king from the line of David in the Old Testament.
In verse 42, Jesus gives Simon the name "Peter." When people come to Jesus, they will experience a change in their identity. Jesus tells Philip to "Follow me," and then Philip brings Nathanael to Jesus. When Philip introduces Nathanael to Jesus, Jesus immediately recognizes Nathanael's honest and sincere nature. Nathanael is surprised that Jesus seems to know him, asking, "How do you know me?" Jesus assures Nathanael that he will witness even more remarkable miracles than the ones he has already seen.
In verse 42, Jesus gives Simon the name "Peter." When people come to Jesus, they will experience a change in their identity. Jesus tells Philip to "Follow me," and then Philip brings Nathanael to Jesus. When Philip introduces Nathanael to Jesus, Jesus immediately recognizes Nathanael's honest and sincere nature. Nathanael is surprised that Jesus seems to know him, asking, "How do you know me?" Jesus assures Nathanael that he will witness even more remarkable miracles than the ones he has already seen.
Greater Things
Jesus refers to the story in Genesis 28 when Jacob saw a ladder with angels ascending and descending on it in his dream. Jesus is the connection between Heaven and Earth. By referring to the "heaven opened" and the "Son of Man," John 1:51 brings to mind the vision in Daniel 7, where the Ancient of Days is enthroned and the "one like a son of man" receives eternal dominion. Jesus will be the bridge between heaven and earth, the one through whom the blessings of Abraham will be fulfilled, and he is the Son of Man who will rule forever.
The First Sign
Jesus goes to a wedding on the third day, but the host runs out of wine. Jesus' mother tells him about the problem, and he asks why it concerns him. He then instructs the servants to fill six stone jars with water, draw some out and take it to the host. The host compliments the wine and calls the bridegroom. John identifies it as the first of Jesus' signs, and his disciples start to believe in him. John's account of Jesus turning water into wine emphasizes the broader significance beyond the miracle itself. The old covenant, symbolized by the marriage between Yahweh and Israel, had run its course and was depleted, as indicated by the wine running out at the wedding on the third day. Jesus made the best wine at a wedding on the third day. This illustrates that Jesus came at the right time when the old covenant had ended and the new covenant was beginning. Jesus filled the jars to the brim and provided new wine, pointing toward the new covenant. When Jesus performed a miraculous sign, his disciples believed in him (v. 11).

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