In The Beginning…
The Word
The opening statement in John's Gospel is possibly one of the most profound in all literature. Even the most significant ideas from philosophers, artists, and poets cannot surpass John's concise yet expressive declaration about God. By starting with "In the beginning," John purposefully connects his Gospel to the creation story in Genesis 1 and then explains the eternal relationship between God the Father and God the Son concisely. The opening verse of John's Gospel is packed with powerful meaning that surprises the reader. John 1:1-5 conveys God's indescribable and infinite nature in a deeply personal and mysterious way, leaving a profound impact.
The passage describes the Word being God and creating the world, having life, and being the light. The life of Jesus has revealed the glory of God to John and the other disciples. While this glory is evident in the miraculous signs Jesus performs, it is most powerfully demonstrated in his sacrificial death on the cross. It may seem unexpected that glory can be found in such a painful event, as we typically associate glory with something visually striking or impressive. However, glory can also refer to the genuine value and magnitude of something. Jesus demonstrated his glory through his obedience to his Father and his selfless love for the world. Centuries before, Moses recognized God as "compassionate and gracious...abounding in love and faithfulness". Now, we see that God's Son is "full of grace and truth." Although God cannot be seen, Jesus perfectly revealed him to us.
The passage describes the Word being God and creating the world, having life, and being the light. The life of Jesus has revealed the glory of God to John and the other disciples. While this glory is evident in the miraculous signs Jesus performs, it is most powerfully demonstrated in his sacrificial death on the cross. It may seem unexpected that glory can be found in such a painful event, as we typically associate glory with something visually striking or impressive. However, glory can also refer to the genuine value and magnitude of something. Jesus demonstrated his glory through his obedience to his Father and his selfless love for the world. Centuries before, Moses recognized God as "compassionate and gracious...abounding in love and faithfulness". Now, we see that God's Son is "full of grace and truth." Although God cannot be seen, Jesus perfectly revealed him to us.
The Testimony
The Jewish people anticipate the arrival of a mighty prophet before the appearance of the Messiah or 'Christ.' John the Baptist does not assert himself as the prophet, although Jesus will later acknowledge him as one. John sees himself as a voice, a messenger per Isaiah's words. His role is to prepare the way for God's arrival, and the baptism he provides is a means to help people prepare. The Messiah will be much more significant than John, who humbly fulfills his role as a herald. On the first day, we can observe a conversation between John the Baptist and priests and Levites sent by the Pharisees in Jerusalem (verses 19-28). The discussion revolves around the identity of John, who was preparing the way for the coming savior, and his practice of baptizing people in water for repentance and cleansing, as foretold in the Old Testament.

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