The Plot, Betrayal, Lord's Supper, And Inappropriate Behavior
He Sought An Opportunity
As the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread draws near, the Lord works through evil circumstances to ensure that Jesus will die during Passover. Despite the chief priests and scribes plot to kill Jesus, they fear that a rebellion may overthrow their power. However, their concerns are alleviated when Satan influences one of Jesus' disciples, Judas Iscariot. Judas collaborates with the religious leaders to determine when and where to betray Jesus, and they gladly offer payment for his betrayal. Once the deal is made, Judas begins to search for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to the authorities.
Given For You
Continuing the theme of Passover and Unleavened Bread, Jesus summons Peter and John secretly to prepare for the feast. This secrecy is necessary to prevent Judas from alerting the authorities and allowing Jesus to be arrested before the meal. The two disciples are directed to a man carrying a jar of water who will lead them to a room where the Passover can be prepared. Jesus reclines at the table with his apostles during the meal, reflecting on the messianic banquet he will have with them in the future kingdom. Symbolically, Jesus breaks bread and says it represents his body, which is to be given for them. He also takes a cup, declaring that its contents represent his blood, which will be shed for them in the new covenant. Despite the solemnity of the moment, Jesus reveals that his betrayer is present. However, this does not derail God's plan; rather, it fulfills it, with the traitor set to face divine punishment. Upon this revelation, the disciples argue over who will betray Jesus.
A Dispute
The conversation about who would betray Jesus transforms into a dispute over which disciple is the most important, demonstrating their lack of understanding of Jesus' mission. This is an inappropriate moment for the disciples to argue about their significance. Jesus scolds them, clarifying that while kings and benefactors among the Gentiles conceive of authority as enforcing their own will on others, believers' greatness is distinct. It is displayed through service, which entails being willing to fulfill the desires of others, making those who do so the most significant. In secular society, the one who sits at the table is considered more important than the one who serves, yet Jesus' life is characterized by service. Despite the disciples' feebleness and self-centeredness, they remain loyal to Jesus during his trials, except for Judas. Consequently, they have been granted a kingdom by the Father, and they will feast and drink in the kingdom, enjoying the messianic banquet and governing over Israel's twelve tribes.

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