The Good Shepherd
John 10:1-21
How Did You Get In Here?
Verse 1 depicts a sheepfold with a fence or wall enclosing the flock. Jesus describes an intruder who climbs over instead of entering through the gate, indicating that this person is a thief and a robber, unlike a true shepherd who enters freely through the gate.
Jesus is criticizing the Pharisees, pointing out that they are not true shepherds but instead are like thieves and robbers. They are not interested in caring for God's flock but only about satisfying their selfish desires. In verse 2, Jesus clarifies that a real shepherd does not need to use sneaky tactics. Instead, they can walk through the gate.
The gatekeeper lets the shepherd in, and the sheep can tell it's him by his voice. The shepherd knows exactly which sheep are his because he has given them names, and they respond to his call, willingly following him.
Jesus is criticizing the Pharisees, pointing out that they are not true shepherds but instead are like thieves and robbers. They are not interested in caring for God's flock but only about satisfying their selfish desires. In verse 2, Jesus clarifies that a real shepherd does not need to use sneaky tactics. Instead, they can walk through the gate.
The gatekeeper lets the shepherd in, and the sheep can tell it's him by his voice. The shepherd knows exactly which sheep are his because he has given them names, and they respond to his call, willingly following him.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Visualize a pen with multiple flocks of sheep belonging to different shepherds. Whenever a shepherd calls out the names of their sheep, only the ones that belong to them will respond since they recognize their shepherd's voice.
The message states that Jesus is compared to a shepherd, and those who go against him are like thieves. The sheep who listen to Jesus and follow him are part of his flock, while those who don't know his voice are not part of it. Jesus differentiates between the people who believe he is the Messiah and those who condemn his healing as violating the Sabbath. His followers can distinguish his voice and are not deceived by the Pharisees.
To ensure safety from wolves and thieves during their night's rest in the sheepfold, the sheep must enter through Jesus, who acts as the door. This will secure their protection from danger. Jesus separates himself from the thieves who only bring destruction and ruin, whereas he comes to offer life, as stated in verse 10.
In verse 11, Jesus identifies himself as the "good shepherd" and explains that a good shepherd gives up his life for his sheep. The good shepherd does not harm, steal from, or use the sheep for his benefit but sacrifices himself to protect and provide for them. Jesus reveals the difference between the good shepherd's courage and commitment to the sheep and the hired hand's willingness to abandon the sheep to danger (v. 12) and prioritize his safety (v. 13).
In verse 16, Jesus says that he has more sheep who are not part of the current group, probably referring to the non-Jewish people he will also gather to him along with the Jews he has already gathered. Ultimately, there will be one flock under his leadership, without divisions based on race, culture, or society.
Jesus' willingness to give everything to accomplish the plan of salvation increases the love of Father for him, as he delights in and agrees with this plan. No one takes away Jesus' life as he willingly gives it. The statement "This charge I have received from my Father" at the end of verse 18 refers to Jesus's authority to lay down his life and take it up again. Those who see and hear are experiencing Jesus' calling them to himself.
The message states that Jesus is compared to a shepherd, and those who go against him are like thieves. The sheep who listen to Jesus and follow him are part of his flock, while those who don't know his voice are not part of it. Jesus differentiates between the people who believe he is the Messiah and those who condemn his healing as violating the Sabbath. His followers can distinguish his voice and are not deceived by the Pharisees.
To ensure safety from wolves and thieves during their night's rest in the sheepfold, the sheep must enter through Jesus, who acts as the door. This will secure their protection from danger. Jesus separates himself from the thieves who only bring destruction and ruin, whereas he comes to offer life, as stated in verse 10.
In verse 11, Jesus identifies himself as the "good shepherd" and explains that a good shepherd gives up his life for his sheep. The good shepherd does not harm, steal from, or use the sheep for his benefit but sacrifices himself to protect and provide for them. Jesus reveals the difference between the good shepherd's courage and commitment to the sheep and the hired hand's willingness to abandon the sheep to danger (v. 12) and prioritize his safety (v. 13).
In verse 16, Jesus says that he has more sheep who are not part of the current group, probably referring to the non-Jewish people he will also gather to him along with the Jews he has already gathered. Ultimately, there will be one flock under his leadership, without divisions based on race, culture, or society.
Jesus' willingness to give everything to accomplish the plan of salvation increases the love of Father for him, as he delights in and agrees with this plan. No one takes away Jesus' life as he willingly gives it. The statement "This charge I have received from my Father" at the end of verse 18 refers to Jesus's authority to lay down his life and take it up again. Those who see and hear are experiencing Jesus' calling them to himself.
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