The Promise And The Vine

The Promise And The Vine

John 14:15-15:17

Love And Commandments

Jesus reminds his followers that they will follow his commandments if they genuinely love him. This includes the commandment to love one another, trust in him, and believe in his relationship with the Father. Our actions reflect our true feelings, and Jesus states that whether or not his followers love him will be evident through their obedience to him. Jesus says he will ask the Father to send another Helper to those who love him. This means that after Jesus leaves, the Spirit will come to be with them always. Jesus confirms that he is the truth and claims that the Spirit of truth will be given to those who love him. Jesus prays to the Father for those who love and follow him; as a result, they receive the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus does not pray for the world because it does not love and follow him. Therefore, the world cannot receive the Holy Spirit. Similarly, only those born again can see and know the Spirit. The disciples will have the Spirit of truth within them (according to verse 17), which will help them maintain a constant connection with Jesus. This Spirit will form a dynamic, continuous, and empowering bond between Jesus and his disciples.

Love And Obedience

Those who love Jesus will also be loved by God the Father. God is pleased by those who have faith, trust, love, and obey Jesus' teachings. Likewise, those who follow Jesus' commands will be loved by him. The greatest incentive for obedience is the love of God. Without it, nothing can motivate us to obey. In John 14:21, Jesus assures that those who love him and follow his commandments will gain a more profound knowledge of him, for he will reveal himself to his followers. Therefore, by obeying his commandments, we can experience more of Jesus. For those who genuinely love Jesus, their actions are motivated by their overwhelming desire to please him and show their love for him. However, for those who do not love Jesus, their actions are motivated by other concerns, often leading to sinful disobedience.

In John's gospel, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as "another Helper" (verse 16) who will teach his disciples after he has left them. He is teaching them while Jesus is present with them (verse 25). But once he is gone, the Holy Spirit will take on this role and remind the disciples of everything Jesus taught. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will continue to carry out Jesus' mission and teachings. In John 14:30, Jesus declares that Satan has no authority over him. He explains that he will be arrested and taken away because he is following the will of God. Jesus is showing his love for God by willingly sacrificing his life, as mentioned in verse 31 and also in John 10:17-18.

The Vine

Jesus refers to himself as the "true vine" and signifies that he is the genuine Israel. He uses this imagery to convey that being a part of the people of God no longer depends on being descended from Abraham but on having a living relationship with him. To be connected to Jesus is to be a part of the vine. A vine that is not pruned will not produce fruit. Jesus mentioned in verse 2 that the Father prunes the vines that bear fruit so that they can produce even more fruit. Jesus describes the fate of those who start following him but do not remain faithful. He compares them to branches cut off from a vine and eventually dry up, get collected, and burned.

Jesus tells his disciples to rely on him, keep his words in mind, and pray for their desires. He promises that their prayers will be answered and that abiding in him will glorify the Father and help them bear fruit as his disciples. Jesus desires them to experience his complete joy (v. 11), closely linked to selfless love. When we genuinely care for others, it leads us to love them sacrificially, and in turn, this brings the same joy that Jesus possesses. If self-sacrifice does not result in joy, it could be because it stems from motives other than love for others. Sacrificing oneself for selfish reasons will not lead to joy.





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