The World, The Spirit, And Joy

The World, The Spirit, And Joy

John 15:18-16:24

Worldly Hate

Jesus instructs his disciples on how to deal with hostility in the world. Jesus explains that the love of the world is only conditional. The love that the world displays is not in line with the love that Jesus spoke of in verse 13. Jesus' love involved sacrificing one's life for others. The world only loves people who conform to its harmful beliefs and behaviors, which means it only loves itself. This form of love is self-centered and cannot be considered genuine love. It may seem like heartfelt approval and acceptance, but it is not true love. Just as the world rejected Jesus, the disciples will fail to appease the world's anger. If someone claims to receive Jesus but rejects his disciples, they reject Jesus, no matter how much they claim to love him. It's essential to remember that those who want to follow Jesus must also follow the teachings of his apostles, which are recorded in the Bible.

The disciples will be hated and persecuted because of his name. As the disciples follow and preach the teachings of Jesus, people will recognize it's because of him and will dislike them for it. Jesus explains that people reject his character and mission because they don't know the Father who sent him. Jesus has done works demonstrating his ability to do what only God can do. The confirming power of the works should convince people of his deity and their need to be reconciled to him through repentance and faith.

The Spirit Of Truth

The disciples are being sent out to share God's message with a world unsupportive of their efforts. Jesus highlights that the Spirit will provide aid via testimony and refers to the Spirit as "the Spirit of truth," indicating that the testifying would be accurate. Jesus warns his followers that they will be expelled from synagogues and even killed, with their killers believing they are serving God.

Jesus goes on to say, as he explains to the disciples that, though the thought of his departure saddens them, it is for their benefit (v. 7). Though Jesus doesn't scold his disciples, he does acknowledge their lack of curiosity about his plans and how they're more preoccupied with their troubles, causing them to miss how God is working for their welfare. The cross ensures that those who defy Jesus will be judged because it signifies the removal of the ruler of this world. God's holiness and love are revealed through the cross, exposing and condemning evil. The cross also condemns Satan as an unrighteous rebel whose rebellion was unjustified and futile.

Sorrow To Joy

Jesus realizes that his remaining time with the disciples is limited. Although he has more to talk about, the disciples may need help processing the information mentally and emotionally. However, he assures them that the Spirit will provide guidance and reveal "all the truth" to them. The Spirit glorifies Jesus by revealing to the disciples the truth about who he is, what he has done, what he will do, and how it fulfills all that was written in the former days. The Spirit serves as God's covenant presence within the disciples, providing comfort, teaching, and reminding, enabling them to testify, convicting the world, and glorifying Christ.

In verses 16-19, Jesus mentions "a little while" seven times. In verse 16, He introduces the idea, and the disciples talk about it in verses 17-18. Jesus then asks them if they are discussing it in verse 19. He further explains the idea in verse 20 and illustrates it in verses 21-22. Jesus noticed that the disciples were puzzled by his words and discussed them in verses. He asked them about their discussion, showing his awareness of their desire to pursue the matter. Jesus foretells how the disciples will feel when the events he is describing occur. They will grieve and mourn because they will witness his crucifixion and burial. In contrast, the world will celebrate his death, believing they have rid themselves of someone who exposed their sin. However, Jesus concludes by saying that their sorrow will transform into joy after his resurrection. No one will be able to take away the disciples' joy upon seeing Jesus again.





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