Take Heart And Hear Jesus' Prayer

Take Heart And Hear Jesus' Prayer

John 16:25-17:26

I Will Ask The Father
Jesus tells his followers that the Father will hear their prayers directly if they pray in his name. Jesus wants his disciples to understand that they don't need to rely on him to bring their requests to the Father. God already loves and cares for them. Jesus clarifies that the Father loves them because they have loved Jesus and believed in him as God's messenger. The Father will hear prayers made in the name of Jesus because Jesus is returning to the Father.

I Have Overcome The World
Before predicting that they will abandon him, Jesus asks the disciples a question. Although they believe he came from God, they will still scatter and leave him to protect themselves. However, Jesus knows that even if they leave him, he still has the Father by his side. Jesus warned people in the world would face tribulation and the same difficulties he has experienced. Jesus encourages them to take heart not because they will live without problems but because he has already overcome the world.


Amid intense stress, Jesus prayed to the Father to glorify him so that he could, in turn, glorify the Father. The cross showcases Jesus' immense worth and love. He doesn't appease God's wrath for his wrongdoing but for the sins of his followers whom he loves. Jesus willingly bears God's punishment for the sake of others, not for himself. Romans 8:32 states that God's commitment to his holiness was so great that he did not spare his own Son but freely gave him up for all of us.

Jesus states that he has glorified the Father by fulfilling his assigned tasks. Jesus remained wholly loyal and successful throughout. Upon completion of the work, Jesus will return to the Father and share his eternal glory (v.5). Jesus taught what was intended by the Father. The disciples received the words from the Father that Jesus taught them (v.8). They kept God's word (17:6). They believed that Jesus came from God and accepted his teachings.

I Am Not Praying For The World

Jesus explains that he is praying specifically for his followers and not for the world in general. This may be unexpected, but it reflects Jesus's special love for those who have believed in him and whom the Father has given him, like a devoted husband. He asked God to take care of his followers, promised to send them the Spirit, and asked God to protect them. Jesus requests the Father to unite his followers, just as he and the Father are unified. The unity that Jesus desires for his disciples is characterized by personal generosity and selfless love, reflecting God's nature.

The Son Of Destruction
Jesus kept and guarded his people while he was with them, and none except Judas was lost. The reason for Judas' loss was to fulfill the scripture. Therefore, choosing Judas did not mean he was chosen for salvation. We should not interpret Judas' falling away as evidence that someone chosen by God can fall away. Judas made his own decision without coercion and is accountable for his actions. This highlights the complex relationship between God's control and human choice.

My Joy
Jesus finds joy in his unity with the Father in terms of character, purpose, and selfless love. He wants his followers to experience this life that is only possible through imitating God's sacrificial behavior. By doing so, followers will also experience the joy that Jesus has, and he hopes this will become a reality for them. Jesus prays that the truth of the Father's word will sanctify and set them apart as holy while they remain in the world. Jesus expects his disciples to be protected from evil through the sanctification accomplished by the Father's truth in them. Initially, Jesus prayed for his disciples. However, in verse 20, he started praying for those who would believe in him due to the disciples' testimony.

Amazingly, God loves us just as much as He loves Jesus. Because we are united with Christ through faith and the Spirit, the Father loves us in the same way. This love is so powerful that it can transform us and make us stand out. As a result, people will see the unity among believers and be convinced that God sent Jesus because of this incredible love. Jesus tells the Father that he wants his people to be with him and experience the indescribable glory that the Father had given him before the world was created. Jesus has revealed the name of the Father to his followers so they may experience God's love. The same love the Father gave to Jesus, who then gave it to us. We experience this love when we know that God sent Jesus, died for us, is with us through the Holy Spirit, and will keep us until the end because he has asked the Father to do so. This is the greatest love.





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