Death In Adam And Life In Christ

Death In Adam And Life In Christ

Romans 4:13-5:21
Adam's actions might have had significant implications, but the ultimate power lies in the "free gift." Even in the face of countless transgressions, this gift provides justification. Grace, in turn, ushers in God's acceptance of us in spite of our sins.

Paul delves further into this contrast. Death reigning is an unfortunate consequence of Adam's sin. Yet, there's a reign that outshines this grim portrayal. Counterbalancing Adam, "the one man Jesus Christ" allows those who embrace His grace and the "free gift of righteousness" to "reign in life." This future reign is the result of accepting the gospel message, transforming not just our perceptions but our entire lives.

In verse 5:18, Paul revisits the thought he introduced in verse 12. Leveraging verses 13–17, he infers that "one trespass led to condemnation for all men." The ripple effects of Eden's sin persist to this day. However, for believers, Christ's death— the essence of the "one act of righteousness" Paul refers to— negates these effects, replacing condemnation with justification and death with life.

Verse 5:19 continues the conversation by summarizing the Adam-Christ parallel permeating this section. The act of disobedience by Adam led to all becoming sinners. On the contrary, Christ's obedience means "the many will be made righteous." The undeserved gift of righteousness compensates for the deserved punishment.

The "law" reflects God's impeccable character and will. The law was given to highlight and clearly define transgression. But the law exacerbating sin isn't the final word. As Paul notes, "Grace abounded all the more."

Sin's reign is both inevitable and historic. But the reign of grace, for those who believe, is through righteousness, leading to "eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This "eternal life" is not only infinite in duration but also a life of abundance in the present, just as Jesus promised.





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