Not A God Of Confusion And First Importance

Not A God Of Confusion And First Importance

1 Corinthians 14:26-15:11
When the Corinthian church gathers, there is a risk of disorderly meetings if individuals come with their own agenda for participation in worship. This can hinder the edification of believers. 

Among the activities listed by Paul, all contribute to the building up of the church, except for speaking in tongues. Therefore, Paul applies his general principle for church meetings - "Let all things be done for building up" - even speaking in tongues.

Paul provides guidelines for speaking in tongues:
  • Only two or at most three individuals should speak in tongues during a church meeting.
  • Each person speaking in tongues should take turns.
  • There must be an interpreter present, either the person speaking in tongues themselves (verse 13) or someone else with the gift of interpreting tongues. If there is no one with that gift present, then no one should speak in tongues during the church meeting.

Only two or three prophets speak to maintain order and clarity, and the church should carefully evaluate their words. If someone receives a revelation while another is prophesying, the speaker should pause to avoid confusion. The goal is for prophecy to be conducted in an orderly manner, allowing everyone to learn and be encouraged. God is a God of peace, not chaos; His spiritual gifts should reflect this. 

Paul further specifies that women should not audibly evaluate prophecies during church meetings. This practice is consistent across all the churches. Instead, women should privately seek guidance from their husbands regarding prophecies. Paul's reasoning for this command is that it is a matter of submission. It is considered inappropriate for women to evaluate prophecies openly during church gatherings.

Paul expects that there may be some Corinthians who will question his instructions. However, it is important to note that his teachings are not exclusive to the Corinthians alone. God's Word is not limited to one group of people.

Here are two warnings to consider:
  • If someone considers themselves a prophet or "spiritual," they should not disregard Paul's teachings regarding spiritual gifts. What Paul writes carries the authority of the Lord.
  • If someone refuses to recognize the divine authority of Paul's writings, God will not recognize that person.

Paul emphasizes the value of prophecy over speaking in tongues for the Corinthians. However, he does not intend to forbid others from speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is not inherently wrong, but it is not as edifying as prophecy when it comes to church gatherings. The Corinthians should use their spiritual gifts in church meetings respectfully and orderly.

The phrase "Of first importance" suggests that while everything in the Bible holds significance, not all aspects are equally important. Certain doctrines carry more weight than others, with the gospel being the utmost priority. The gospel was proclaimed, accepted, and embraced. If one fails to persevere, then their belief is rendered meaningless. Jesus died "for our sins," meaning on our behalf and in our place. His sacrificial and substitutionary death aligns with the entirety of the Old Testament rather than just a specific passage. Jesus' burial serves as evidence of his death. As predicted, Jesus "was raised on the third day." Paul provides proof of Jesus' resurrection by citing six individuals or groups to whom Jesus appeared:
  1. Cephas, also known as Peter (Luke 24:34).
  2. The Twelve (Luke 24:36–43; John 20:19–23).
  3. More than five hundred brothers.
  4. James, presumably Jesus' brother who served as a pastor in Jerusalem.
  5. All the apostles.
  6. Paul himself encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul compares his calling to that of an unexpected and abnormal birth.
Paul considers himself the least significant apostle, unworthy of the title due to his past persecution of God's church. Only through God's grace is Paul what he is, enabling him to work harder than any other apostle. What truly matters is the preaching of the gospel and the resulting belief of the Corinthians.





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