To Unite All Things

To Unite All Things

Ephesians 1:1-23
Paul, the author of this letter, identifies himself as an apostle chosen by Jesus Christ. He addresses the letter to the saints, faithful believers in Christ Jesus, possibly in Ephesus. The greeting of the letter combines the themes of grace and peace, which are significant throughout the letter. God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is the source of grace and peace.

Paul begins the letter with a prolonged blessing, emphasizing the greatness of God's grace and the spiritual blessings it provides believers. He highlights God's role as Father and the one who blesses believers. The first reason believers are to praise God is because of His choosing and election. God's choice is connected to predestination, which means believers are adopted into His family through Christ's work. This concept of adoption is significant, as it grants believers full status and inheritance as God's children. God's predestination is in accordance with His purpose and will, reflecting His delight and redemptive plan. The purpose of predestination and adoption is for redeemed children to praise God's glorious grace, which is bestowed upon them in Christ.

Paul explains that God deserves praise for redeeming us, which is the second reason he presents. He emphasizes that God's plan for redemption is no longer a mystery, as revealed through the gospel. Paul clarifies that "mystery" refers to something once hidden but now disclosed, particularly concerning God's plan to unite all things in Christ. He highlights that God's plan was set forth "in Christ" and aims to unite all things in heaven and earth. Ultimately, all of God's purposes will be accomplished through Christ.

Believers should praise God for giving them an imperishable inheritance. He emphasizes that our union with Christ incorporates us into God's family, making us heirs to His blessings. While some interpret the phrase "we have obtained an inheritance" to mean that believers are God's inheritance, the context suggests that it refers to the inheritance received by believers. Paul assures the Ephesian believers of their inheritance by reminding them of God's predestination. The purpose of believers receiving an inheritance is to praise God's glory. Paul also highlights that believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who guarantees their inheritance. The Holy Spirit serves as a down payment, assuring believers of their entire inheritance. The presence of the Holy Spirit endures until believers receive their possession.

Paul expresses his gratitude for the faith and love of his readers, giving thanks and praying for them unceasingly. He acknowledges God as the source of all divine blessings, referring to Him as "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ" and "the Father of glory." Paul's first request is for his audience to know the hope of God's calling, emphasizing that it is the hope to which God has called them. He prays for them to understand and experience this reality in their lives. His second request is for them to comprehend the riches of God's glorious inheritance, which refers to what God gives to his people. Paul's third request is for the Ephesians to know the greatness of God's power, emphasizing that this power is directed towards those who believe. He reassures them of the supremacy of God's power over any hostile spiritual forces. Finally, Paul focuses on God's power demonstrated in Christ, explicitly highlighting Christ's resurrection, exaltation, conquest, and domination.

Paul highlights three illustrations of God's power in exalting Jesus:
  • Jesus is seated on a throne, signifying his lordship and completion of his earthly mission.
  • He sits at God's right hand, indicating honor, power, and prominence.
  • Jesus is seated in heavenly places, emphasizing his supremacy over all spiritual powers.

Paul emphasizes that Jesus is exalted above all rule and authority, both now and in the future. All things have been put in subjection to Christ, although the final victory will occur in the future. Lastly, Christ is the head of all creation and the church, signifying his supreme rank and ruling authority. Overall, Paul urges his readers to comprehend and grasp the remarkable power of God at work for their benefit.





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