Mistreated, Taken Before The Council, Pilate, Herod, And Delivered To Be Crucified
May 9th, 2023
Luke briefly describes the Jewish trial in five verses before Jesus is taken to Pilate as a criminal. The leaders from both political and religious backgrounds come together to discuss Jesus, mainly f...  Read More
Prediction, Fulfillment, Agony, Betrayal, And Denial
May 8th, 2023
Jesus warned the disciples about spiritual battles, and now one of the greatest battles in history is taking place at the Mount of Olives. Luke does not mention that it occurs in the garden of Gethsem...  Read More
The Plot, Betrayal, Lord's Supper, And Inappropriate Behavior
May 5th, 2023
Continuing the theme of Passover and Unleavened Bread, Jesus summons Peter and John secretly to prepare for the feast. This secrecy is necessary to prevent Judas from alerting the authorities and allo...  Read More
Destruction, Persecution, The Son Of Man, And Watching
May 4th, 2023
In verse 25 of the text, the topic shifts to Jesus' arrival as the Son of Man, which is subsequently described in the following verses. The world will undergo a catastrophic transformation, marked by ...  Read More
Things To Beware Of And Widows
May 3rd, 2023
Despite attempts by religious and political authorities to ensnare him with questions, Jesus skillfully avoids their traps, demonstrating his wisdom as the Christ and Lord of David. He then warns the ...  Read More
Authority, Wicked Tenants, And Taxes
May 2nd, 2023
The religious leaders sought to kill Jesus after the parable of the tenant farmers, and they used the question of taxes to achieve their goal. They sent spies who pretended to be neutral, hoping to ca...  Read More
A Parable, A Colt, A Prophecy, And A Cleansing
May 1st, 2023
As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, his arrival holds significant meaning for some who believe that it signals the immediate commencement of the kingdom of God. To illustrate his point, Jesus shares a para...  Read More
Everything That Is Written, A Blind Beggar, And A Wee Little Man
April 28th, 2023
Jesus arrives in Jericho and encounters a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus, who, like the blind man, is an outcast in society. Despite his small stature, Zacchaeus is determined to see Jesus and ...  Read More
Persistent Prayer, Humility, A Childlike Faith, And The Rich Ruler
April 27th, 2023
The rich ruler's story illustrates that he does not have childlike faith; he believes he deserves eternal life for keeping the commandments. Jesus challenges him to sell his belongings and become a di...  Read More
Millstones And Mustard Seeds
April 26th, 2023
Throughout Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, he provides his disciples with guidance. In chapter 16, the danger of wealth is emphasized, and in this section, we see various teachings about discipleship tha...  Read More
The Dishonest Manager, The Law, And Anguish In This Flame
April 25th, 2023
The chapter started with a story and guidelines on the proper use of money (Luke 16:1–15), followed by a brief section on the relationship between the kingdom and the Old Testament scriptures (16:16–1...  Read More
Lost Things
April 24th, 2023
Jesus uses yet another parable in response to the criticisms of the Pharisees and scribes. Unlike the previous two parables about a lost sheep and a lost coin, this one involves two lost sons. The com...  Read More





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