Jesus Marveled, A Raised Son, And Questions
April 5th, 2023
John the Baptist sends envoys to ask Jesus if he is the one they have been awaiting. Jesus responds to the question by using Old Testament references that describe the arrival of the kingdom, proving ...  Read More
Why Do You Call Me Lord, Lord?
April 4th, 2023
One of the essential qualities of a follower of Jesus is love. Jesus teaches his disciples to love in a way that goes against what society expects. This means loving even those considered enemies and ...  Read More
Tax Collectors, Fasting, Sabbath Controversies, And The Twelve
April 3rd, 2023
Ascending a mountain, Jesus prayed all night before choosing the twelve—similar twelve tribes of Israel. With prayer and reflection complete, He determined His followers: from Simon Peter to Judas Isc...  Read More
Simon's Mother-In-Law, Fishing, A Leper, And Sins
March 31st, 2023
After a hectic Sabbath spent in Capernaum—teaching, exorcising demons, and healing the sick—the day eventually ends. As soon as people can travel further with nightfall's arrival, they go to Jesus so ...  Read More
The Wilderness, Nazareth, And Capernaum
March 30th, 2023
The Spirit led Jesus into a forty-day battle with Satan in the wilderness. As Israel had been tempted for 40 years before him, this was his opportunity to prove himself ready for ministry -- full of c...  Read More
Fruits Keeping With Repentance And Baptism
March 29th, 2023
John's ministry sparks curiosity, wondering if he is, in fact, the promised Messiah. However, despite this speculation, John has made it clear that he is unworthy even to untie the sandals of the Chri...  Read More
Simeon, Anna, And The Spirit
March 28th, 2023
Luke establishes that Jesus and his parents adhered to the law, yet also exhibits how he is the highly anticipated Messiah and Redeemer. While Roman legislation ensured Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Je...  Read More
The Arrival And The Shepherds
March 27th, 2023
God always makes good on his promises, and no one can hinder his plans. He orchestrates circumstances to bring about what he has intended, even if it means moving an entire empire. Mary and Joseph did...  Read More
March 24th, 2023
John's birth narrative is followed by briefly mentioning his upbringing (see 2:40, 52) and his time spent in the wilderness. He remains absent from the story until after the birth of Jesus. It is wort...  Read More
Mary And The Magnificat
March 23rd, 2023
Six months into Elizabeth's pregnancy, Mary, a young woman from Nazareth in Galilee, is visited by the angel Gabriel. She is engaged to Joseph, a descendant of King David, and their betrothal is just ...  Read More
Theophilus And A Visit From Gabriel
March 22nd, 2023
Luke introduces us to John, whom we know as John the Baptist before he can share information about Jesus. John's birth was also remarkable, similar to that of Jesus. He introduces Zechariah and his wi...  Read More
Death, Burial, Resurrection, And What\'s Next
March 21st, 2023
After the sabbath rest had ended, the two Marys and Salome headed towards the tomb to anoint Jesus' body with aromatic spices (16:1-8). They knew that a stone obstructed the tomb and that the body had...  Read More





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