Pilate, Simon, And The Crucifixion
March 20th, 2023
Jesus declines the offer of a drink to alleviate his pain, opting to bear the full extent of human suffering in every aspect of his being - physical, mental, and spiritual. On either side of Jesus are...  Read More
The Kiss, Arrest, And Denial
March 17th, 2023
The temple police, sent by the Jewish authorities, accompany Judas as they arrive to apprehend Jesus. With a kiss, Judas identifies Jesus, resulting in his immediate arrest. A minor skirmish ensues, l...  Read More
Passover And Gethsemane
March 16th, 2023
With the looming torture and the impending agony of the crucifixion, Jesus is filled with sorrow and pain. The idea of separation from the Father because of sin only adds to his anguish. Despite his f...  Read More
No One Knows, An Anointing, And A Promise To Betray
March 15th, 2023
The religious leaders are frustrated by Jesus' popularity. They have long tried to find an opportunity to get rid of him, but Judas's betrayal was both a surprise and the perfect opportunity. Judas' m...  Read More
Destruction And The End
March 14th, 2023
Inside the temple, thirteen chests in the shape of trumpets provided a place for people to contribute their offerings. While some gave large amounts, Jesus noticed one small widow who only put in two ...  Read More
The Rejected Stone, Taxes, And The Great Commandment
March 13th, 2023
A curious scribe keenly listened to Jesus' responses and asked Him which of God's commandments was the greatest and most essential. Jesus declares the greatest commandment from God is to love Him with...  Read More
March 10th, 2023
As Jesus travels from Jericho for fifteen miles, he reaches Jerusalem via the Mount of Olives, marking our initial encounter with the city in Mark's narrative. The judgment of Jerusalem will be based ...  Read More
To Give His Life As A Ransom
March 9th, 2023
This is a final healing miracle in which Jesus heals a blind man named Bartimaeus, which occurred in Jericho while on the path to suffering in Jerusalem. Jesus inquired what Bartimaeus desired, to whi...  Read More
Divorce, Children, And Possessions
March 8th, 2023
Jesus welcomed children, but one wealthy man refused to join in. He pleaded for the key to eternal life. Despite following the commandments, he still felt like there was something more he could do. Je...  Read More
Unbelief, Confusion, And Sin
March 7th, 2023
The people in the crowd were amazed when they saw Jesus. His appearance may have been different after his transfiguration, but he was back in the world with all its brokenness and suffering. One perso...  Read More
The Christ And A Glimpse Of His Glory
March 6th, 2023
Jesus continued to discuss the coming suffering and death that he would endure. He made it clear to his disciples that they, too, must make sacrifices and prepare themselves for hardships ahead. Jesus...  Read More
Do You Not Yet Understand?
March 3rd, 2023
The disciples were unprepared and lacked bread. Jesus highlights their spiritual blindness and deafness. Despite witnessing many miraculous signs from Jesus, the disciples, like the Pharisees, still s...  Read More





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