Commandment Or Tradition
March 2nd, 2023
The Pharisees take offense that the disciples ate with hands not washed according to their standards, claiming they were impure. The Pharisees believe that sin is associated with being unclean. As suc...  Read More
Death, Hunger, And Miracles
March 1st, 2023
After a successful missionary journey, the Twelve return to their master. Jesus attempts to provide a respite for them, allowing time and space to take a break and share their stories. Unfortunately, ...  Read More
Power Had Gone Out
February 28th, 2023
The story of Jairus is a testament to Jesus' power over death and the difficulties that life throws at us. Despite the obstacles - from the clamor of people pressing in around him (5:24) to an unexpec...  Read More
A Different Kind Of Storm
February 27th, 2023
As the locals learn what has occurred, they no longer fear Legion but become fearful of Jesus. They plead with Him to leave their part of the world. Instead of petitioning Jesus to stay with them, the...  Read More
Parables And Power
February 24th, 2023
As Jesus and his disciples sailed across the Lake of Galilee, a fierce storm violently descended upon them. Amidst their frantic worry for survival, however, Jesus remained sound asleep in the stern u...  Read More
The Twelve, Blasphemy, Family, And A Parable
February 23rd, 2023
Jesus appointed twelve men to be his apostles, whose title implies "those who are sent." He first trained them in the art of preaching, healing, and expelling evil spirits (6:7–13). Paul expounds on h...  Read More
Eating With Tax Collectors, Fasting, The Sabbath, And An Escape Boat
February 22nd, 2023
The crowds continue to swell as people journeyed from long distances to hear Jesus preach and beg him to heal them. The pressure from the crowd is so intense that Jesus has a boat on standby in case h...  Read More
Healing, Preaching, And The Forgiveness Of Sin
February 21st, 2023
Mark's account of Jesus' miraculous healing of a leper is an emphatic demonstration of his power and compassion (1:40; 41). It also subtly underscores the importance that he placed on submission to Go...  Read More
Mark—The Beginning Of The Gospel
February 20th, 2023
Mark is vibrant, full of action, and terse; this Gospel emphasizes both the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth and people's responses to him. Mark opens with an announcement of good news: Jesus is the Messiah...  Read More
All Authority
February 17th, 2023
As instructed, the disciples made their way to Galilee's mountain. Upon Jesus' arrival, they had diverse reactions: some worshiped Him while others were filled with doubt. The risen King then proclaim...  Read More
Crucifixion And Death
February 16th, 2023
At three o'clock in the afternoon, darkness filled the land as Jesus cried out in pain. Confused, some thought he called for Elijah and offered him a vinegar-soaked sponge, to no avail. When Jesus yie...  Read More
The Field Of Blood And The Governor
February 15th, 2023
Jesus stands before Pilate, who inquires if he is the King of the Jews. Jesus does not answer, leaving Pilate astonished. Knowing it was customary to release a prisoner during the feast, Pilate slyly ...  Read More





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