Children, Temptation, Sheep, And Forgiveness
January 27th, 2023
The family of faith ought to safeguard and support one another. As pointed out by Jesus, these little ones are precious to the shepherd, who makes every effort to find them and rejoices when they're r...  Read More
Like The Sun
January 26th, 2023
Just six days after Jesus predicted his death, he took Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain in Galilee. This is a familiar scenario in the Bible—mountains are often where the Lord meets peo...  Read More
Dying To Find Life
January 25th, 2023
For the Greeks, a crucifixion was indicative of extreme shame. Crucifixion was seen as a sign of wickedness and helplessness by the Romans. The Jews viewed a crucified man as cursed by God. However, J...  Read More
Real Issues And The Power Of God
January 24th, 2023
The crowds are relentless, but Jesus is compassionate and wants to feed them. The disciples are puzzled and question, "Where would we find enough bread in such an isolated location to feed everyone?" ...  Read More
Fame, Food, Fear, Faith, and Fringe
January 23rd, 2023
Jesus had just lost his friend and forerunner, John the Baptist, as well as a member of his family. He withdrew to be alone, but the crowds followed him on foot and were waiting for him when he arrive...  Read More
Parables, Hidden Treasure, and Rejection
January 20th, 2023
The ancients had no way to secure their valuables, so when they had to flee due to brigands or war, they buried their treasures in clay jars. The behavior of the laborer who finds the treasure and bur...  Read More
Stories, Sowers, and Soils
January 19th, 2023
Imagine the scene: Jesus steps outside and makes his way to the sea. A crowd quickly gathers around him. He then boards a boat on the water's edge and begins telling stories that convey profound messa...  Read More
Blasphemy, Bad Trees, Signs, and Family
January 18th, 2023
Jesus' unparalleled power over the fallen angels and the remarkable healing of a man who was both blind and mute left those in attendance absolutely astonished. The Pharisees rashly suggested that Jes...  Read More
The Lord of the Sabbath
January 17th, 2023
Jesus understands that people can be overwhelmed and offers rest for those weary and burdened. He invites us to take up his yoke, which is easy and the burden light (v. 30). The metaphor of a yoke is ...  Read More
Swords, Rewards, and Messengers
January 16th, 2023
Jesus does not disparage John for his questions. Instead, he speaks words of grace over him and describes the significance of John's ministry. Jesus quotes Malachi 3:1 to explain that John is the mess...  Read More
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
January 13th, 2023
God's servants are of great worth to the Almighty, and if He is so devoted to His creatures—not even one can fall unnoticed—how much more will He care for them? Jesus commands the disciples to boldly ...  Read More
Jesus Is Compassionate
January 12th, 2023
Matthew's call is critically significant because it demonstrates how Jesus can save even the most despised individuals. Matthew was a local tax collector who worked for the Romans and had made himself...  Read More





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