Stirred Up Persecution And They Continued To Preach The Gospel
July 14th, 2023
The Gentiles hear the good news and are filled with joy upon receiving it. Paul is recognized as the apostle to the Gentiles. However, this does not mean he excluded the Jews. Luke clarifies that this...  Read More
Set Apart And Son Of The Devil
July 13th, 2023
In chapter 13, the church leaders at Antioch are introduced, including prophets and teachers. Despite being a diverse group, they are united in the Spirit, and the predominantly Gentile church shows r...  Read More
Violence, Death, Rescue, And Struck
July 12th, 2023
Like all Roman prisoners, Peter is being closely watched to prevent him from escaping. Peter is not just in jail but also restrained with chains between two guards while more guards remain stationed a...  Read More
Gentiles, Criticism, And The Church In Antioch
July 11th, 2023
Peter's message resonates with his Jewish audience, causing them to be silent for a period before praising God (Acts 11:18) in agreement with the truth about Him. This group of Jews represents a porti...  Read More
No Partiality
July 10th, 2023
Acts 10:9-43 It is significant that Peter is staying with Simon, a Jew but also a tanner, making him frequently unclean under Jewish law because of his work with animal hides. Luke emphasizes Peter's ...  Read More
Saul And Peter
July 7th, 2023
Acts 9:20-10:8 Saul wasted no time in beginning his ministry. He went straight to the synagogues and preached about Jesus as the Son of God (v.20). Saul's conversion surprises not just the early Chris...  Read More
The Spirit And The Light
July 6th, 2023
Acts 8:26-9:19 Philip receives a divine message from an angel instructing him to travel south along the road to Gaza, near the Egyptian border. This directive is in line with the mission outlined in 1...  Read More
Persecution And The Spread Of The Gospel
July 5th, 2023
As the story of Stephen concludes, the book of Acts moves towards a new section that focuses on the spread of the Gospel. This section also introduces Saul, who will be the primary character for the r...  Read More
Behold, I See The Heavens Opened
July 4th, 2023
A frenzied crowd is attacking Stephen, and it's unclear if this is an authorized execution or uncontrolled violence. Even if the council didn't order it, Stephen's presence before them implies that th...  Read More
Are These Things So?
July 3rd, 2023
The speech by Stephen is the longest one in Acts, and a straightforward question prompted it, "Are these things so?" However, instead of answering with a simple "yes" or "no" or defending himself agai...  Read More
Prayer And To The Ministry Of The Word
June 30th, 2023
The early church is facing a positive challenge: it has grown rapidly, and it's becoming more difficult to take care of all its members. Though there are funds available from believers selling their p...  Read More
They Did Not Cease
June 29th, 2023
As is typical in Acts, persecution leads not to hiding or fear but to even more boldness. The apostles and the early church are convinced they are on God's side, so much so that they do the unthinkabl...  Read More





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