The Bread Of Life
May 25th, 2023
The crowd at the feeding surrounds Jesus again. According to John, they noticed that Jesus was not there and knew he did not leave with his disciples. They searched for Jesus, and when boats arrived f...  Read More
Take Him By Force To Make Him King And Walking On Water
May 24th, 2023
The people's reaction suggests they understand the similarity between the manna from heaven during Moses' ministry and the multiplied bread Jesus provided. The people were ready to accept Jesus as the...  Read More
Can I Get A Witness?
May 23rd, 2023
Jesus angered some religious leaders when he instructed a paralyzed man to carry his mat on the Sabbath day, which was prohibited by Jewish religious law. This was made worse in verse 17 when he decla...  Read More
Your Son Will Live And The Sheep Gate
May 22nd, 2023
On the Sabbath, Jesus meets a man who cannot walk and trusts in a false belief. Jesus miraculously heals him and restores him. However, instead of rejoicing, some people criticize and harass Jesus for...  Read More
All That I Ever Did
May 19th, 2023
The woman was taken aback when a Jewish man approached her at the well. Due to her gender, Samaritan background, and past experiences with men, she held no status in that society. Not only does Jesus ...  Read More
He Must Increase
May 18th, 2023
John the Baptist showed humility by understanding his role and Jesus' role in God's plan. Pride comes from an overestimation of ourselves. John understands his purpose, which is to prepare the way for...  Read More
Zeal, What's Inside, And Born Again
May 17th, 2023
Jesus, who brings judgment, would later be lifted up on the cross. The people who looked at the bronze serpent were saved from the serpent's venom. Similarly, those who look to Jesus when he is lifted...  Read More
The Lamb Of God And A Wedding
May 16th, 2023
John identifies it as the first of Jesus' signs, and his disciples start to believe in him. John's account of Jesus turning water into wine emphasizes the broader significance beyond the miracle itsel...  Read More
In The Beginning…
May 15th, 2023
The opening statement in John's Gospel is possibly one of the most profound in all literature. Even the most significant ideas from philosophers, artists, and poets cannot surpass John's concise yet e...  Read More
Disbelieved For Joy
May 12th, 2023
After the resurrection of Christ, Jesus explains to the disciples that all that has occurred was prophesied in the Scriptures. He helps them understand that the Scriptures predict both His suffering a...  Read More
He Is Not Here
May 11th, 2023
Luke tells the story of women who went to the tomb and discovered it was empty. They found that the stone had been rolled away, but Jesus was not there. The women were confused about what happened unt...  Read More
Crucifixion, Death, And Burial
May 10th, 2023
Jews considered physical burial necessary, but those crucified were usually left in common graves, where animals often tore them apart. However, in this situation, Joseph of Arimathea, a council membe...  Read More





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