Jars Of Clay
September 20th, 2023
Since Christ has ascended to heaven in his spiritual resurrection body, we, his people, are not physically present with him. However, we are united in him, and our daily lives are shaped by eschatolog...  Read More
One Degree Of Glory
September 19th, 2023
Believers are transformed to resemble Christ. By fixing our gaze on Him, we reflect His likeness. This process restores our lost humanity and dignity. Beholding Christ's glory is a rediscovery of our ...  Read More
The God Of All Comfort
September 18th, 2023
God's deepest heart overflows with boundless mercy and comfort. It's not just that every true comfort we experience comes from God, although that is true; comfort defines His very nature. He is the "G...  Read More
Mystery, Victory, And Final Instructions
September 15th, 2023
Death will be overcome because of Christ's death and resurrection. By defeating death, Christ also defeats sin permanently. In the Garden of Eden, sin gained power through the law, leading to death. H...  Read More
The Resurrection And The Resurrection Body
September 14th, 2023
Adam's natural body is "from the earth" - a man made from dust. Therefore, Christ's spiritual body is "from heaven" and is heavenly. Earthly people are like Adam, the "man of dust," while heavenly peo...  Read More
Not A God Of Confusion And First Importance
September 13th, 2023
Paul considers himself the least significant apostle, unworthy of the title due to his past persecution of God's church. Only through God's grace is Paul what he is, enabling him to work harder than a...  Read More
Tongues And Prophecy
September 12th, 2023
Prophecy is more beneficial than speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues only benefits the individual, whereas prophecy benefits the entire church. When Paul states that "the one who prophesies is gr...  Read More
One Body And The Way Of Love
September 11th, 2023
Prophecies, tongues, and knowledge will cease as they become unnecessary. There is a significant contrast in maturity between how a child speaks, thinks, and reasons compared to an adult. The disparit...  Read More
The Lord's Supper And Spiritual Gifts
September 8th, 2023
The Lord's Supper is a precious memorial, reminding individuals of Jesus' sacrificial death. During this celebration, the church commemorates Jesus' body and blood, symbolizing the inauguration of the...  Read More
Whatever You Do...
September 7th, 2023
Because "not all things are helpful" and "not all things build up" (v. 23), the Corinthians are encouraged to prioritize building up others in all their actions. This may involve sacrificing personal ...  Read More
The Destroyer And Demons
September 6th, 2023
Paul revisits the topic of consuming food offered to idols, but there are differences between chapters eight and 10:14-22. In chapter 8, Paul addresses the matter concerning conscience, whereas here h...  Read More
Weak Consciences, Freedom, And Running For The Prize
September 5th, 2023
Paul starts with a sports metaphor, comparing the race where only one person wins. Olympic athletes were known for their self-discipline in matters of sex and diet, which Paul addresses in this sectio...  Read More





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