Lead The Life
September 4th, 2023
Paul reiterates the principle of "staying where God has called you" (see verses 17, 20, 24). The phrase "in view of the present distress" qualifies this principle, particularly concerning the betrothe...  Read More
Lawsuits, Sexual Immorality, And Marriage
September 1st, 2023
Paul reinforces his main point by cautioning the Corinthian believers that they cannot lead a persistently sinful lifestyle without facing the consequences. Engaging in unrighteous behavior is incompa...  Read More
You Do Not Have Many Fathers And The Purge
August 31st, 2023
Paul rebukes the Corinthians not to shame them but to caution and correct them, like a caring father guiding his beloved children without causing bitterness. As the founder of the Corinthian church, P...  Read More
Wisdom And Division In God's Garden Temple
August 30th, 2023
In the Greco-Roman world during Paul's time, highly regarded individuals who excelled in rhetoric and philosophy were known as sophists. Successful rhetoricians had devoted followers, paying for disci...  Read More
Divisions, Wisdom, Power, And Calling
August 29th, 2023
In the New Testament, "church" usually refers to local gatherings of believers, not to a physical building. Believers meet with the church to worship, preach the Bible, perform baptisms, celebrate the...  Read More
Greetings, Instructions, And The Only Wise God
August 28th, 2023
Verse 25 confirms God's ability to strengthen believers according to the gospel preached by Paul, which centers on the proclamation of Jesus Christ. God's empowering assistance also aligns with the re...  Read More
The God Of Hope
August 25th, 2023
Paul desires his predominantly Gentile audience to experience the joy and peace the Old Testament references point to. God desires believers to abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit....  Read More
Authorities, The Law, Judgment, And Stumbling
August 24th, 2023
God's law is not irrelevant to Christian thinking and behavior. It is within the law that commands to love are formulated. This doesn't negate the continued validity or necessity of laws against adult...  Read More
A Mystery, A Doxology, And So Many Gifts
August 23rd, 2023
Paul explains the "mystery" of a "partial hardening," referring to the fact that not all Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah. He envisions a future when Jews embrace faith in Jesus as the promised Mess...  Read More
Grafted Branches
August 22nd, 2023
God shows severity towards those who reject his call, denying their need for him. Yet, he has also shown kindness to Gentiles through the spread of the gospel. Gentile believers must continue in depen...  Read More
Confess And Believe
August 21st, 2023
Paul makes several statements regarding the acceptance of the gospel message by his fellow Jews. He emphasizes that the goal of his apostleship is the obedience of faith among all nations, Jews and Ge...  Read More
Whomever He Wills
August 18th, 2023
Paul points to Jeremiah 18. In this passage, God instructs Jeremiah to observe a potter handling clay "as it seemed good to the potter to do" (Jer. 18:4). The point is not that God shows mercy or hard...  Read More





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