Felix, The Spokesman, And Paul
August 1st, 2023
Ananias brings a spokesperson, similar to a prosecuting attorney named Tertullus. Tertullus employs a tone and choice of words that are filled with flattery. He expresses gratitude to Felix for the pe...  Read More
An Angry Council, A Murder Plot, And Sent To The Governor
July 31st, 2023
Paul's teaching about Jesus and the Mosaic law has caused distress among them. However, it is ironic that they are willing to disregard the law and go to extreme measures, even encouraging injustice a...  Read More
Hear The Defense I Now Make Before You
July 28th, 2023
The crowds become furious upon hearing about Paul's ministry to the Gentiles and ultimately decide that he should be killed (22:22). They express their anger and disapproval by removing their cloaks a...  Read More
A Concerning Prophecy, Arriving In Jerusalem, And A Riot
July 27th, 2023
In Luke's account, Paul travels from Asia to Tyre and stays with some disciples for a week. While in Tyre, believers tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem. The disciples resist Paul's leaving, but the reas...  Read More
Overcome By Sleep And I Do Not Count My Life Of Any Value
July 26th, 2023
Paul wants the Ephesians to recall the three years he spent caring for them and his diligent work to establish their churches. He refers to his emotional appeals to them with tears (Acts 20:31). This ...  Read More
A Riot In Ephesus And More Travels
July 25th, 2023
The believers who have abandoned idol worship in Ephesus pose a financial threat to the business associated with the worship of Artemis. If people stop buying idols, the income of the idol-makers will...  Read More
Ephesus, Apollos, And Exorcists
July 24th, 2023
After Paul reaches Ephesus, he encounters a group called "disciples" (v. 1), who seem to follow John the Baptist rather than Jesus. Like Apollos, they only know about John's baptism and are unaware of...  Read More
The Areopagus And Corinth
July 21st, 2023
The Areopagus, situated near the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the Agora, provides a dramatic backdrop for Paul to proclaim that God does not live in man-made temples. Of all the statues and temples, ...  Read More
A Jailer, Thessalonica, Berea, And Athens
July 20th, 2023
Paul and Silas sing hymns in prison, and the other inmates listen. Suddenly, an earthquake strikes, causing all the prison doors to open and the prisoners' chains to come off (16:26). The event is a m...  Read More
A Disciple Named Timothy, Forbidden By The Holy Spirit, Lydia, And A Spirit Of Divination
July 19th, 2023
Acts 16:1, Luke mentions that Timothy is a combination of Jewish and Gentile descent. His mother is a Jewish believer, which makes Timothy a Jew, but his father is a Gentile. Timothy's mother's faith ...  Read More
The Jerusalem Council, The Letter, And The Separation
July 18th, 2023
In the early days of the church, a major theological dispute arose concerning the critical question of what is necessary for salvation. The apostles asserted that only faith in Jesus is required for s...  Read More
Zeus, Hermes, Mob Violence, And The Opened Door
July 17th, 2023
A group of Jews from Antioch and Iconium chased the apostles to Lystra, where they almost killed Paul. The city of Pisidian Antioch is approximately 100 miles (160 km) away from Lystra, and it seems t...  Read More





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