No Condemnation, No Separation
August 17th, 2023
To be "more than conquerors" may seem incompatible with being persecuted, but for those who live by faith in Christ, adversity becomes a means of grace, glorifying God, and extending His victory. Noth...  Read More
I Find It To Be A Law
August 16th, 2023
Chapter 7 instead illuminates the intimate struggles faced by Christians. It challenges believers to rise above their sinful nature and seek assurance in God's faithfulness. Despite the battle, believ...  Read More
The Wages Of Sin Is Death
August 15th, 2023
Romans 6:23 concludes Paul's discussion with a simple truth: sin's payoff is inevitable and lethal. Despite its ugliness, we work for it gladly, earning the wages of "death." God, however, offers a "f...  Read More
Death In Adam And Life In Christ
August 14th, 2023
Sin's reign is both inevitable and historic. But the reign of grace, for those who believe, is through righteousness, leading to "eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This "eternal life" is no...  Read More
All Have Sinned And Righteousness Through Faith
August 11th, 2023
Paul concludes that one's spiritual acts, such as circumcision, do not justify one's righteousness, but faith does. He deems circumcision as a "sign" and "seal" of righteousness, not a means to acquir...  Read More
God's Righteousness / God's Judgment
August 10th, 2023
The reality is that all humans have sinned, God judges righteously and impartially, and His righteousness is inherent, not dependent on our actions. Moreover, it's wrong to justify sinful actions thin...  Read More
Storing Up Wrath
August 9th, 2023
Paul's discourse from Romans 1:18 through 2:11 is a powerful reminder of God's judgment, absolute righteousness, and impartiality. It underscores the necessity of godly living, the dangers of hypocris...  Read More
Mutually Encouraged By Each Other's Faith
August 8th, 2023
Deeply committed to the gospel message, Paul continuously prays for his readers, signaling his deep concern for them. He anticipates meeting the Roman believers by God's will and ministering among the...  Read More
A Snake Bite, Hospitality, And Off To Rome
August 7th, 2023
In the book of Acts, we discover a final, definitive statement regarding the Jews' rejection and a message of hope for the Gentiles. Salvation will reach the Gentiles, and they will embrace it. The mi...  Read More
Storms And Shipwreck
August 4th, 2023
Shipwreck and salvation are not usually associated, but in this case, they intertwine. The tension subsides, and the drama appears to resolve - land is spotted, and a plan to reach the shore is devise...  Read More
Testifying Both To Small And Great
August 3rd, 2023
All individuals, including Jews, Paul, and the Gentiles, are called to repent, believe in Jesus, and demonstrate their new covenant relationship through obedience to Him. Repentance and obedience to J...  Read More
Plenty Of Discussion And Sent To Caesar
August 2nd, 2023
Festus is uncertain about how to handle Paul. He initially tried to pass off the responsibility to the Jews, but Paul stopped that by appealing to Caesar. Festus remains perplexed by Paul's case and s...  Read More





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